School Profile
General School Description
Evanston Middle School is one of two middle schools in rural Evanston, Wyoming. Evanston is located in the Southwest corner of Wyoming, just five miles from the Utah border. Evanston has a population of approximately 12,000 people, with our middle school population in grades 6-8 being around 315 students.
Evanston Middle School also serves students from the outlying rural communities of Bear River, Almy, and Hilliard. About 45%of Evanston Middle School students receive free and reduced meal benefits. The student population is primarily Caucasian, followed in number by Hispanic students, and a very few number of students in other demographics. Our staff is composed of 35 certified professionals, 7 paraprofessionals who assist teachers in the classroom and 14 auxiliary support staff who keep operations flowing seamlessly.
All students at Evanston Middle School are provided yearlong instruction in the five core areas of mathematics, English, science, social studies, and physical education. The sequencing of courses and their general content is determined by school district curriculum guidelines. All students choose a music class and are able to participate in the choir, band, or strings. Students are also provided quarterly instruction at each grade level in related arts classes such as art, photography, robotics, technology, parenting, Spanish, and other life skills.
Students have a variety of activities in which they can participate. Our seventh and eighth-grade students may participate in all sports activities offered, while our sixth graders only participate in swimming, wrestling, and track. Other special programs offered include Mathcounts, Writer’s Ink, Speech & Debate, Academic Bowl, Robotics, and Study Tables.
We at Evanston Middle School feel it a privilege to be a part of your student's lives on a daily basis. We are continually amazed by their talents, energy, and determination. We look forward to watching them grow, fulfill their greatest potential and become the leaders of tomorrow. Go Wolverines!!!